Glazing Works
- Unitized Glazing System
- Semi-Unitized Glazing System
- Conventional Stick Curtain Wall
- Spider Glazing
- Doors & Windows
- Balustrade & Internal
- Glass Partitions
- Skylights & Canopies
- Fire Rated Doors & Windows and many more
Architectural Metal Works
- Metal Cladding
- Railings & Balustrade
- Louvers
- Mashrabia Screens
- Bollards
- Lift Architraves
- Steel Structures and many more
- Structural Calculations
- Thermal Calculations
- Condensation Report
- Costing Calculations
Facade System
- Schuco System
- Gutmaan System
- Aluk System
- Hueck System
- Reyners System
- Alumil System
- Technal System and many more
Glazing Works
We bring a wealth of expertise to every glazing project, ensuring exceptional results that enhance aesthetics, energy efficiency, and overall functionality.
Our proficiency extends to the following glazing works:
- Unitized Glazing System
- Semi – Unitized Glazing System
- Conventional Stick Curtain Wall
- Spider Glazing
- Skylights & Canopies
- Glazed Doors & Windows
- Fire Rated Glazed Doors & Windows
- Glass Balustrades & Railings
- Internal Glass Partitions & many more.

Architectural Metal Works
We bring a fusion of artistry and technical prowess to every architectural metal works project. Our dedicated team of skilled artisans and engineers collaborates to deliver customized metal solutions that seamlessly integrate with the architectural vision.
Our proficiency extends to the following architectural metal works:
- Metal Wall Claddings
- Mashrabia’s or Rain Screens
- Decorative Ceilings / Soffits
- Lift & Door Architraves
- Louvers & Fences
- Bollards & Signages
- Metal Railings & many more…
Calculations & Reports
In the realm of science, each scientific assertion requires the backing of a mathematical model to validate its applicability. In structural engineering, this model takes the form of structural calculations. While these calculations may occasionally be underestimated in construction projects, their significance cannot be overstated. Notably, they instil greater confidence in the seamless progress of the project.
Our proficiency extends to the following calculation works:
- Structural Calculations
- Thermal Calculations
- Acoustic Calculations
- Condensation Reports

Estimation & Costing
Accurate project estimation is the foundation for successful planning and execution. We offer a range of estimation services designed to provide you with reliable cost projections and timelines.
- Estimation for Tendering
- Value Engineering Solutions
- Quantity Survey
- Bill of Materials