Estimation & Costing

The façade plays a crucial role in any building, offering energy-efficient enclosures, meeting sustainable requirements, and enhancing both functional and architectural designs. Traditionally, façade costs accounted for approximately 10% to 15% of the total building cost; however, this dynamic has undergone substantial change. In the post-COVID scenario, there has been a notable increase in façade costs, reaching levels of 20% to 30% of the overall building cost. Consequently, it becomes imperative for clients, architects, and designers to comprehend the cost implications and adopt a judicious approach balancing cost versus performance. Striking this balance ensures the final outcome aligns with expectations, with no compromise on quality and design intent.

Estimation for Tendering

Thorough evaluation of project requirements to provide accurate cost estimates, ensuring financial transparency from the outset.

Value Engineering Solutions

Identification of cost-saving opportunities without compromising quality, ensuring optimal project outcomes.

Quantity Survey

Our Quantity Surveying services are designed to provide accurate and detailed insights into the quantities associated with your construction or development project. Whether you are in the planning stages, construction phase, or post-construction, our experienced team is here to support you.

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